Factory Certified Service Providers
Over 30 Years of Experience
Fully Insured
Edge of the Bay Appliance Service Inc is recognized as a Factory Certified Service Provider of Sub Zero, Wolf, and Cove products. As a Factory Certified Service Provider we maintain an extensive inventory of parts, which allows us a high percentage of completions for most repairs in the first visit. If we don’t have the part in our inventory, we can get it from the distributor within a day, providing the part is available. We offer same business day or next business day Sub Zero refrigerator or freezer service if you are experiencing a no-cool or no-freeze issue.
We also provide preventive maintenance. Call us for some of our on-request services! For example:
Edge of the Bay Appliance Service values your time! We realize that lifestyles and schedules have changed from the past when people were available to be home; today’s pace of life is much different. We continue to change the way we work with our customers when scheduling to make our visit as convenient as possible.
Fully Insured
Over 30 Years of Experience
Factory Certified Service Provider
Woman Owned
Stevensville, MD
Annapolis, MD
Easton, MD
Edgewater, MD
Arnold, MD
Chester, MD
Chestertown, MD
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